Early Years Hub
Welcome to the City of London's Early Years Hub.
Our Early Years Service Team is committed to supporting and strengthening your business. We aim to support you in your practice, so that children can have the best possible start in life, and to enable each child to reach their full potential.
On this platform, you will find updates and information about topics that are relevant to you.
All schools and Ofsted-registered early years providers must follow the EYFS, including childminders, preschools, nurseries, and school reception classes.
Areas of learning
Your child will mainly be taught through games and play. The areas of learning are:
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Personal, social, and emotional development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design
Attendance in Early Years Settings and school provision.
Good attendance is essential for children to take full advantage of the learning and development opportunities available to them in their early years.
Through regular attendance, children build up the secure attachments they need for healthy development. A regular routine supports the young child to feel settled and secure. Unsettled children have higher stress levels which, in turn, prevent them from being able to benefit fully from the learning opportunities available.
Studies show that children who regularly attend Preschool and Early Years settings have better early academic attainment and social-emotional well-being than those who do not attend.
Children with good early years attendance also perform better than their peers at the end of Reception. This means that a lack of attendance could affect your child’s learning and development. Therefore, regular and punctual attendance is paramount, so that children have full access to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
We recognise that sometimes families may need extra support with attendance. Effective communication is, therefore, essential between you and your key person. The Early Years setting or school will collaborate with you to support your child’s good attendance and punctuality.
Where children’s attendance is not improving, the setting will talk to you about the available support; for example, implementing bedtime routines, supporting you with healthy eating, referrals to Early Help or other support agencies.
We all have a duty to keep children safe and to protect them from harm. Poor attendance can be seen as a safeguarding issue.
Moderation EYFSP (Save the Date)
Thursday 7 November, details TBC
Providers Forum
Our next Providers Forum will take place on Thursday 26 September, details TBC