Supporting Anti-Racism in Early Years

Suggested resources to support anti-racism in Early Years.

Laura Henry-Allain MBE is an award-winning international producer, storyteller, educationalist, keynote speaker and consultant. She is the creator of the well-loved JoJo and Gran Gran series, developed and produced by CBeebies and is the series’ associate producer. She is also executive producer on a few shows that are currently in development, including Daddio & Co.

Her bestselling children's book, My Skin, Your Skin, illustrated by Onyinye Iwu, explores race and racism, and empowers children to be the best versions of themselves.

The tiney guide to becoming an inclusive, anti-racist early educator:

Guide_Inclusive_Education.pdf (

Discuss the different types of family units and what it means to belong to a family with these resources created by Laura Henry-Allain MBE.

My Skin, Your Skin is a powerful book to help children and adults have meaningful discussions about race and anti-racism. Most importantly, the book empowers children to be the best versions of themselves; to have self-love, self-esteem and self-worth, irrespective of their skin colour.

The resources allow students in KS1 to explore the book’s themes of anti-racism and empowerment.

My Skin, Your Skin (

The Ladybird early years reading timeline: how to support your child.

Author, educationalist, producer and consultant Laura Henry-Allain MBE has written a comprehensive timeline on how to best support your child on their reading journey.