Child health and development

The City of London activities timetable displays information about the regular free events for families taking place across City of London libraries and the City Child and Family Centre.

For information about further events, please see the What's On section on this website (see related links).

For a downloadable copy of the timetable, visit the Child and Family Centre page (see related links).

If you have any questions, please contact:

City of London activities timetable for children and families, September - December 2024 - City of London Family Information Service

COLTALE (City of London Talks and Listens Enthusiastically) aims to support all children to develop their speech, language and communication skills, and further develop close partnerships between parents and early years practitioners/teachers.

For more information: COLTALE programme and home learning - City of London Family Information Service

Information and advice to signpost professionals and families on to local authority services, as well as accepting referrals on behalf of the City of London's early help services.

Early Help Service - City of London Family Information Service

PANDAS is a charity with a mission: ‘To be the UK’s most recognised and trusted support service for families and their networks who may be suffering with perinatal mental illness, including prenatal (antenatal) and postnatal depression.’

Our aim is to make sure no parent, family or carer feels alone. We have a variety of support services available to ensure help is delivered in a way that is right for you. No one suffering any form of mental illness should feel they’re on their own.

We offer motivational, educational and positive content through our social media channels, which adds to our value for the parents who need our help the most.

PANDAS Foundation values difference and diversity and does not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender, sexual preference, orientation, marital status, race, religion, colour, national origin, disability, heritage or political belief.

For more information: Home – PANDAS Foundation UK

Specialist paediatric dental care for children with special needs and in particular autistic spectrum disorders.

For more information: Finsbury Health Centre (

Getting vaccinated is a normal part of growing up in the UK. It is one of many things people do to protect their children from serious diseases like meningitis, polio, measles, mumps and rubella.

The decision to vaccinate your children is yours and it’s natural to have questions about whether it is the right thing for you and your family. Here you can find all the information you need about the vaccines your child can get at every stage of their life, why they are important, and the vaccines you can have while you are pregnant.

You can also find advice from local experts, download free resources, find information on where and how to book, and hear personal stories from local people like you.

For more information, please visit: Vaccinations for babies and children - NHS North East London (

Click the two links below for some useful oral health ideas for parents, children, adults, carers and professionals. They include 'Healthy teeth tips for your child’, Supporting your Child’s teeth for parents of children with SEND and ideas for providers to promote oral health in the Early Years Provision.

Oral health promotion resources | Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust

Supporting your child's teeth for parents of Children with SEND